@flynnlockwood0 has been lying to you.

Statements coming tomorrow.
She has made me out to be an abusive, piece of shit brother, and the opposite is true. A full thread explaining the situation will be up tomorrow.
To start, the reason I kept making alt accounts is because I suspected she was posting malicious things. Lo and behold, I was mostly right.

No, I didn't impersonate one of her friends. I picked a name that I thought was generic, but apparently wasn't.

In the past, she has-
-bodyshamed me for my complexion, weight and sideburns. She has insulted and demonized me, calling me a "filthy degenerate", "humorless ape", told me I have no reason to live and will "live and die alone", multiple times.

Mind you, I did nothing to aggravate or anger her in the-
-first place, all of these were said to me because something outside my control upset her and she took it out on me.

Most of the tweets she composes are either innocent quips or raging paragraphs about me or my mother, who has done nothing support her. Even through depression-
*done nothing but support her

-and dealing with ADHD. This is a post from a while back, and is the start of a year-long history and slander. Our dear mother doesn't think like this whatsoever. As for the vitamin defincency, some of my Flynn's symptoms lined up with a lack of-
-Iron, hence the bloodwork.

The image below was taken after she found my orginal account. The "safety reason" was me genuinely asking if she had pirated the first episode of The Mandalorian, which I was excited for. She refused to answer my question so I dropped the topic.
I woke up the next morning to the previous tweet of hers. This proved my suspicions I had of her from before, so I kept checking every once in a while.

These two tweets aren't offensive on their own, but here's a little about me; I had trouble breathing as a baby and little-
-kid, and was born after Flynn. To me, this seems like an attempt to rip away my struggles from the very beginning of my life for internet clout. I was "Baby B" for a week, and then recieved my actual name as well, seeing as neither of our chances of living seemed good.
These next three screenshots put on full display her clear, undeserved hatred of me. We got into an argument over Kanji's dungeon in P4. IRL, she never said it made her uncomfortable, only that she thought it was homophobic and that I am too, just for defending the game.
I admit that the shadow characters aren't exaggerations, it was simple mistake. But that doesn't justify her insulting for my opinions on video games.

The last image calls me abusive and a poser. The account in question only had that name because, as stated above, I thought-
-it was generic. She has asked me incredibly sexually-charged questions out of the blue and cleared made me uncomfortable, but kept pushing the questions. It's ironic she calls me abusive in spite of treating me like dirt. The worst part is the heart-to-hearts we had-
-during drives to the store and whatnot. The VERY first thing she did with my insecurity of distrusting others was belittle me in front of my family. She gaslights nearly everytime we argue, telling me

-word for word-

"You are an idiot, you aren't remembering right."
To end this thread, just last night I was watching Soul Eater for the first time and had only heard of it. While Flynn was playing Among Us, she asked me if SE was Shonen. I told her I didn't know, and she turns back to her mic and says"Stop lying, you know what it [Soul Eater]-
-is". She intentionally said that to like, 9 other people, just out of pure spite.

Thank you for reading until the end of this long-ass thread, I feel better finally getting this out.
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