the problem with this mostly arbitrary chart is that there’s no real grasp how any of the ones at the bottom can serve as a funnel to the ones at he top she deems the “most harmful”
also you can’t really understand conspiracy theories without a race and class analysis! there’s a reason bigfoot hunters tend to be middle class white men
all respect to shorty but this is mostly dogshit
there’s actually years and years of research on conspiracy theories and their social impact. i’m begging all of you to stop treating viral internet content as being inherently valuable expertise
the thing with the democratization of knowledge is that it should lead to us all being more informed but instead it’s hastened a retreat from information and a deep fear of expertise
tl;dr: liberals are generally as ill equipped to understand conspiracy theories as they are the rest of reality. this moment really is a job for the paranoid commie cranks most of you wish would shut up and stop “embarrassing the left”
maybe i’m being mean (and paranoid) but I think you should be as critical and skeptical of viral content that seeks to deductively explain conspiracies as much as you would be of any conspiracy theory
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