Look: U.S. Catholics are ≈ perfectly split between parties.

Many liberals don’t like conservative Catholics. A few don’t like Catholics at all (e.g., secular reasons)

Many conservatives don’t like liberal Catholics. A few don’t like Catholics at all (e.g., theological reasons)
The idea that either party/ideological camp has (a) a monopoly on Catholicism, or (b) a monopoly on anti-Catholicism can be eliminated with a Google search.

Biden sparred with Pope Benedict. Trump called Pope Francis “disgraceful” in 2016.

It’s a giant tradition, people.
To be clear: *I’m* not alleging that sparring with popes = anti-Catholicism, or that Trump and Biden are on equal footing here.

But folks often cast such disagreements/debates—either w/popes or w/Catholic laypeople—as an affront to the faith, despite *claiming* the same faith.
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