Every day is a struggle. It becomes exhausting to wear the mask to make it seem like everything is OK. You get tired of everything. Some people just do not understand the struggle and weight that is required to dawn that mask daily to face the world.
But I want you to know you are not alone. We face that as well. We are here to talk or chat if you need. There are tons of resources and others that are willing to listen. Please reach out. You are not alone!! You matter!!
800-273-8255 - Suicide Hotline
888-662-4357 - Addiction Hotline
800-931-2237 - Eating Disorder Hotline
800-656-4673 - National Assault Hotline
800-222-1222 - Poison Control Hotline
800-799-7233 - National Domestic Violence Hotline
877-565-8860 - Transgender Suicide Hotline
202-498-4009 - SHARP Crisis Line

Text 838255 (Veterans Crisis Hotline)
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