I’m realizing how much we think of life as a series of tradeoffs, that we don’t deserve all of our happiness at once or to be happy about more than one thing at a time. I remember before winning the Pulitzer, someone asked if I had my fingers crossed about it, and I said...
I’d give up every award I ever won or could win if I could have my health back. It makes me emotional just to type that and to say that when I did indeed win it, my first thought was that because of it I should be content with pain and start-stop ass organs.
But it’s not greed to want to live and live life more abundantly. As a matter of fact it’s my right if I can do so without hurting others. And so many religions of this world even call this right my inheritance! Oh hallelujah! So...
After being very isolated since mid March, I got out of my bed, Washed my face that’s been a so rad for me to look at lately because of toxins in my body that have led to scarring, put on some clothes, and got a ride to the airport. We’re taking off now....
I’m headed to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and I’m both proud of myself and scared to death. I know you don’t know me, but I also know you don’t have to know me to pray for me. And if you don’t believe in prayer...
I’d appreciate it if you’d say my name while smiling or think of my face while also thinking of me in good health. I really appreciate it and thank you for your patience if you read this far as we claim full physical vitality. All love and joy to you!
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