This is how I really got stuck into EVE.

Unlocking Precursor skills and setting an aim for myself to build a beautiful Kikimora was the real onboard ramp - and the key to an enduring playing loop - that I needed to really dive deep into the game.

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When the skills were trained, I bought a Kikimora blueprint copy and took note of what I needed to build it.

Until that point I had spent my entire EVE existence in Highsec, shooting a few easy rats having finished tutorial/career agents/SOE arc.

I finally had to venture outside Highsec to find materials, especially Megacyte. Sure these could be reprocessed from items I had, but I wanted the challenge that would lead me on a tour of the game. For Megacyte, I had to go mining and enter Nullsec for the first time.

It took a while for anyone to destroy my agent-granted Venture. Maybe it was the shock of seeing a sole Venture wander into Nullsec space and get busy on a lump of Bistot...but it happened eventually! Learned the lesson of not getting greedy once I had what I needed!

In fact, the first time I went to Null in my Venture, I got the creeps after a few mins and ran away without enough Bistot to reprocess, so I had to go back...which is when I got podded!

Eventually, Venture #2 got me the required Megacyte, leaving the Abyss as my next stop.

I needed Crystalline Isogen-10 and Zero-Point Condensate, so @CCP_Convict & @ccp_aurora had to hold my hand and run a T1 Abyssal filament with me. I shot stuff with my Atron while they did the hard work. Eventually I bought a Retribution, and started running T1s solo.

Getting out of High and into Low/Null, then the Abyss, was key to giving me confidence to branch out. I needed to fund inevitable ship losses, and I always found exploration fascinating. A colleague gave me an Astero fit - I adore SOE ships - and I hit the wormholes. Wow.

Wormhole data/relic sites in my Astero were the most fun I'd had so far in EVE. I felt like a space tomb raider, the ISK was more than I'd ever seen. I lost enough Asteros - and the Retribution in the Abyss - to start feeling serious ISK pain. So I went cheaper, a Buzzard.

So the Kikimora got built! I also decided I'd use the BPCs from the Abyss drops (heatsinks, Disintegrators, charges etc) and make all the stuff needed for a fit. I wanted Tech II stuff, so I had to learn about Invention. That was a bit of a rabbit hole, I loved it...

The Datacore & Decryptor drops from data sites were coming in extremely useful in increasing the odds of Invention success. I also got some nice Ascendancy implant BPCs from ghost sites, but the materials were hyper costly, so I started training Planetary Production skills.

Those Planetary skills are still training, so in the meantime I'm working my way through my BPCs, and keeping hold of data/relic gear that helps with T2 Invention & even building (T2 cap mod BPCs). I also take my Retribution out on Escalations for the occasional mega-drop.

Now I use "Rock Lobster", my Prospect, for mining in Null. The feeling of getting in, filling up the hold, avoiding NPC/player death, avoiding warp bubbles etc and returning to safety is a thrill - and useful for my industry jobs. I did lose a couple in Lowsec, mind..

I've made it a mission to build all the BPCs I have (check out the backlog pic), be it an implant, ship or module, as each one is content for me - they require me to investigate some other element of EVE. I've started on BPO efficiency research, but I have other goals too.

I watch player videos and I see awesome things like solo Stratios running of C5 wormhole Sleeper sites, I totally want to be able to do that, and then get/build T3 stuff. I want to be able to solo high tier Abyssals, and learn to create fits for my favourite ships.

Exploration earns me ISK + items for Invention, which allows me to build T2 to enjoy or sell. The Abyss gives me ISK, BPCs, leads to Invention, Industry, T2. Other drops lead me to PI and more. My hope is that this can all lead me to the ships & activities I'm inspired by :)

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