It’s starting to become clear why the Trump WH picked #AmyConeyBarrett for #SCOTUS.

As a judge she has ruled in favor of a pretty strict interpretation of 4th amendment and she has ruled in favor of allowing a police officer to be sued in civil court for misconduct.
Democrats/liberals/progs in their blind focus on opposing everything Trump does, completely ignores that record—a record that they should find amenable—and reaches for “racist adoption” angle.
And, of course, there’s her Catholic views on abortion. Even tho we all know Roe v. Wade will NEVER be overturned.
This seems to be an election season move to underscore how unhinged Democrats are: “Look they can’t even get behind a judge who has overruled qualified immunity for cops ‘cuz orange man bad!’ lol”
Meanwhile hardcore conservatives seem more in favor of Judge Bridget Bade of AZ. She appears to be more of a law-and-order judge who’s also tougher on immigration.
Is the Trump WH too clever by half? Did they possibly cost themselves a portion of Trump’s (already somewhat diminished) base by forsaking the more MAGAesque candidate just to drive home that #Democrats are crazy?
Virtually everyone with fully functioning senses can ALREADY see that the Democratic party has become the party of unhinged loons.
Perhaps what we’re actually witnessing is an at least partial reconstitution of Trump’s base: disaffected liberals/moderate Dems actually being drawn to Trump when they actually learn of Barrett’s record as they observe die-hard Dem partisans pile on her for—of all things—
—adopting Haitian children. Yes, there’s also Roe v. Wade, but every sensible observer knows that case will never get overturned, so it’s a moot point.
A trend I am seeing more and more on social media is the disillusioned liberal Democrat who can no longer abide by their party’s obsessive focus on making Trump out to be orange Hitler while leftist thugs run rampant in city streets. If they see Barrett as a reasonable choice...
...that a liberal Democrat should be OK with, this might drive them more into the Trump camp. We may, in short, be seeing a whole new political realignment emerging before our eyes.
That realignment began before Trump’s 2016 win; that was just the first jarring sign of it that could not be ignored. Realignments, such as this country has seen in wake of Great Depression and WWII, take some time. This one, if I’m right that there is one, is still in process.
The realignment is the result of nearly 20 years of foreign wars and economic stagnation (caused by central bank monetary inflation & hysteria-driven Covid lockdown, by the way).

End of thread.
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