1/ The old Reid Hofffman saying is "if you aren't embarrassed by the first version of your product, you've launched too late". It still holds today but I want clarify some things I've learned over the years.
2/ The first version of your product doesn't necessarily mean the first version *everyone* sees. You should run a pilot/alpha with a smaller group to derisk your assumptions.
3/ When it comes to your first major launch, you should be embarrassed looking back. But you should be proud when you ship.
4/ There will always be a first version of some part of your product. There will always be some part that feels unfinished. That's good. It means you're growing.
5/ Over time, the individual features won't make sense together. Despite polishing each one, you will feel embarrassed by the whole. That is product debt. Addressing product debt is like shipping a new product. It's a new problem. Treat it the same way.
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