I honestly never thought I’d be here, but my transformation into a suburban dad is nearly complete.

On Tuesday, my wife and I are set to close on a new house 22 miles from Atlanta, but 4 min away from my in-laws, who watch our daughter every day.
4 years ago, when my gf (now wife) and I moved in together, I traded a poorly insulated Mission apt on top of a Colombian restaurant and across the street from a salsa bar for a West Oakland townhouse with a dedicated parking spot and I felt like I had retired.
I was shook that I would have to ride my bike 4 min down Mandela parkway to get a coffee instead of falling out of my apt into Ritual.
Two years ago, with a 6 week old in tow, my wife and I moved from Oakland to Decatur and I felt cloistered by the car-dependent lifestyle Atlanta sprawl requires. But we did it to be close to family. It was absolutely the right choice.
Now, with COVID showing no signs of letting up, we’re doubling down and moving within walking distance of my in-laws. We’ll also have enough space for my twin sister and her family to come stay with us for 10 days over the holidays.
Oh and home shopping has revealed a weird preference I didn’t know I had. I am fucking stoked to finally have a pantry. When I was a kid I thought a pantry stoked with Costco goodies was the highest form of luxury. My family kept bread on top of the fridge. Look at me now!
You can follow @jkwade.
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