Her children have nothing to do with her record as a judge.

Adoption is not this amazing thing she did. Very often white people adopt Black children as “saviors”. Adopting a Black or brown child doesn’t make you a good person.
Adopting a Black child doesn’t prove you aren’t racist and certainly doesn’t mean one is not-racist. There are so many examples of this NOT being the case.

I have 2 adopted Black children. They do not make me anti-racist. I had to choose to be anti-racist. I choose everyday
I had to do the work (and the work never ends). Adoption is something done to kids and as thankful as I am, I’m also guilty that I have taken my children (any nation’s greatest resource) away from their country.

I’m wary of white adoptive parents and white people who save kids
I’m wary of any white person who feels that a Black (brown, indigenous, child of color) was saved or is lucky to have been adopted.

I always insist that my kids aren’t lucky or blessed to be adopted. Adoption is often (some say always) a selfish act.
We adopted becaus it was the only way we could have a family. And I wanted to be a mom. This idea that adopted kids are “chosen” is also a line made up to make adoption less yucky.

Dr. Kendi tweeted yesterday that it’s colonization when white folx adopt Black kids. And it is
10 years ago I would not have been able to accept that truth. There are lots of white parents who feel like they saved kids who cannot accept that. But we went to Ethiopia and brought back to America Black children (who had no choice). Sounds a lot like history—& I acknowledge it
There are things we (white people) don’t want to accept. Won’t admit.

I learned through this anti-racist work and by being called out and in that my Black children are not tokens. They do not make me anti-racist. They do not absolve me of any choice I make-I can still be racist
When I started this thread I had two tweets in mind. But I have strong feelings about this as I know some racist AF white adoptive parents. I know some savior adoptive parents and it should not be a pass on having to answer on judicial decisions and beliefs about precedent
I’m also Catholic and could tweet for days about how Uber conservative Catholics reject Jesus’ progessive teaching everyday. But I haven’t had coffee yet.

So let’s not use ACB’s Black kids as some sign she is inherently a just person or magically anti-racist.
From what I have read so far about her and her record as a judge she seems like the “I don’t see color” type. And we all know what that means.
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