There is is nothing “pro-life” about increasing the likelihood that people—most of all those impacted by poverty and systemic racism—will seek out unsafe ways to obtain abortions if our access to reproductive healthcare is cut further.

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There’s nothing “pro-life” about the fact that those who lack access to reproductive health care — disproportionately low-income people, BIPOC, immigrants, and LGBTQ individuals — are more likely to live in poverty and to remain in abusive relationships.
There’s nothing “pro-life” about appointing a judicial agenda that is about BOTH forcing people to stay pregnant against their will AND cutting access to the ACA, to many people’s only healthcare option.
There’s nothing “pro-life” about a judicial agenda that includes cutting access to the ACA, to many people’s only healthcare option, DURING A PANDEMIC.
There’s nothing “pro-life” about forcing people to stay pregnant given that the US has the highest rate of maternal mortality and morbidity among industrialized countries, w/Black & indigenous Americans 3x more likely to die of pregnancy-related causes than white Americans.
There’s nothing “pro-life” about restricting abortion access given that high rates of unsafe abortions are directly associated with laws restricting access to critical health care and that unsafe abortions are a leading cause of death worldwide.
There’s nothing “pro-life” about human rights-violating immigration policies that involve blocking asylum pathways, separating children from their parents & putting them in traumatic detention conditions & forcing hysterectomies on those who did not want or need them.
There is nothing "pro-life" about the death penalty, which is unjust, sometimes condemns innocent people & is used disproportionately on poor ppl & BIPOC. This administration just executed its 7th person in a federal execution after a 17-year hiatus on the federal level.
There's also nothing "pro-life" about firing teargas & rubber bullets on protesters who are protesting police killings of Black Americans and police brutality.
Don’t let this administration try to claim a framing they don’t deserve, haven’t earned, that flies in the face of their actions and impact. Take action here. 
Learn more about Amy Coney Barrett’s record here.

It’s not “pro-life” to oppose gun control, to side with rapists, to rep an org that supports the forced sterilization of trans people, to subvert worker’s rights, to support workplace segregation.
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