“Everywhere in the UK there are foreign-owned enterprises, many of them nationalised industries, building nuclear reactors and running train services from overseas. “
Who wants Brexit? No one much

Yet the Tory party, which favoured EU for economic reasons over many decades, has become not only Eurosceptic – it’s set on a course regarded by every reputable capitalist state & the great majority of capitalist enterprises as deeply foolish.
The fact is that the capitalists who do support Brexiter tend to be very loosely tied to the British economy

What is interesting is not so much the connection between capital & the Tory Party but their increasing disconnection
Today much of the capital in Britain is not British
Brexit is the political project of the hard right within the tory party, & not its capitalist backers. In fact, these forces were able to take over the party in part because it was no longer stabilised by a powerful organic connection to capital, either nationally or locally
Brexit also speaks to the weakness of the state, which was itself once tied to the governing party – and particularly the Conservatives.

Hence “Brexit is a necessary crisis & has provided a long overdue audit of British realities. ...”
“It exposes the nature of the economy, the new relations of capitalism to politics & the weakness of the state. It brings to light, in stunning clarity, Brexiter deluded understanding of Britain’s place in the world...”
“Without it we will remain stuck in the delusional revivalist politics of a banana monarchy”

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