We're going to be hearing a lot about Coney Barrett's 7 children in the coming days. For those who don't speak Anti-Choice, let me explain why: Trotting out the (extremely rare) accomplished women raising huge broods is a standard issue anti-choice troll.
Antis are well aware that a compelling argument for accessible contraception and abortion is that without the ability to control our reproduction, it's very hard — impossible really — for most women to complete their educations, secure good marriages, and have careers.
So they'll dangle out women like Coney Barrett, who have a lot of kids, as basically a taunt. The implication is: "See, this woman has a bunch of kids and she is still an accomplished judge!"
The implication is that if you can't manage to have a high-powered career while raising 7 children, it's because you must be a lazy, stupid slut who doesn't deserve birth control in the first place.
Of course, what they don't tell you is that the substitute for contraception is a fleet of nannies, which isn't affordable for those of us who aren't Notre Dame professors who are married to the partners in expensive law firms.
And that's all setting aside the even more troubling assumption behind this troll, which is that women should have an excuse for not wanting to spend their entire adulthood before menopause pregnant and nursing.
Or that it's just fine and dandy to require women to marry the first man they sleep with, and that anyone who would prefer choosiness is a lazy, stupid slut.
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