The woke church is a hate filled church. Which means its not a Christian church by any means. What I dont mean is angry sounding words and rhetoric, though obviously they have their fair share of that too. What I mean is hate in the technical, biblical sense. Woke-ness is hate...
...think about all the bearing of false witness you have seen from the woke. It never ends. Racist motives and actions are assumed as part of the system without, and even contrary to the evidence, that is hatred in a deeply biblical sense....
...There is a distinct dishonoring of father and mother that is taught and insisted on as we deconstruct our history, again another key element of the woke church, and again, hatred in action...
...covetousness, stealing also find their way into core woke church tenants. This is found in the constant references to wealth, property, income, etc. The woke church cultivates and baptizes a desire for you to get what your neighbor owns. Its hatred at the deepest levels...
...which brings me to murder. The word murder has become so distorted in the woke church. Killings that arent murders become so. Murders that clearly are murders, become downplayed. so we have a "church" that is actually openly advocating voting for the party of baby murder...
All of this hatred is not hidden. It is openly advocated, cultivated, encouraged and taught by the woke church and woke church allies every single day - sometimes aggressively, sometimes with smooth sounding words, but it is hatred being taught, in the church...
...Ultimately it is hatred of God. Hatred of what God has made. Hatred of Gods's rules. Hatred of God's provision. Hatred of God's blessings. Hatred of God's hierarchies etc...
So, as you fight this evil. (It is pure evil) Remember that as these people revile you for things like caring for your family, raising them in truth, adopting children etc....remember that they hate you because they hate Christ. There nothing you can do to please them...
...when they hate their creator. And you shouldnt even be trying.
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