🦋 7:12 EST Venus Biquintile Jupiter. A transit awakening divine beings. A time to gracefully sacrifice for your cause and heal your DNA. A large mother wound is coming to the forefront with this transit and will trigger you severely. Just know that in clearing this, you will be
clearing generational curses and freeing your bloodline from further blockages. These curses have to do with a deeply rooted hate for feminine and mother energy which prevents divine beings from being their natural selves... the way the universe meant your spirit to shine.
This could also bring up lost children or childhoods. Dreams will reveal profound secrets depending on where you are in your journey... if you don’t understand them at first just continue to write them down. The story is slowly being revealed. Psychic attacks are prevalent so
it’s important to keep your spiritual protection up. There are spirits that don’t want this hidden knowledge to reach your crown. This is a transit which will «Restore Resources» and begin the integration with 5D and 3D. You are directly apart of this integration.
You will lead others higher. You must stay connected with yourself in order to know, in order to feel peaceful when you don’t know, to know an answer is on its way shortly. Ma’at is currently weighing our hearts. 💚 The real magic will begin to show ✨
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