A couple of days after Trump was elected, Nazi Richard Spencer led a Nazi rally of American Nazis given the Nazi salute to Donald Trump as they chanted “Hail Trump! Hail victory! Hail our people!”
Steve Bannon led Trump’s campaign in 2015-16. Bannon was editor in chief of Breitbart at the time. Bannon hired Milo Yiannopoulos there, and diminished prior golden child Ben Shapiro. Shapiro quit, writing an op-ed saying Bannon converted Breitbart into a white-supremacist org.
So Ben Shapiro, Jewish, was forced out of Breitbart and effectively replaced as its star by Milo Yiannopoulos. Yiannopoulos was hired by the Trump campaign to recruit “Gays for Trump” and lead rallies during the RNC.
Here is video of Milo Yiannopoulos singing ‘America the Beautiful’ karaoke to Richard Spencer and other Nazis as they give him the Nazi salute and laugh:
Here is Milo Yiannopoulos joining forces with Ann Coulter to ironically rally American xenophobia to ‘build the wall,’ with not a soul in the media ever pointing out that Yiannopoulos himself is an immigrant from Britain. Why? Well, he’s white with bleached hair...
When Yiannopoulos was working on behalf of the Trump campaign at Breitbart, records revealed, he was actively cultivating a following of leading white supremacists and US Nazis, and he used a reference to Kristallnacht as his own private email password. https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/milo-yiannopoulos-coordinated-work-neo-nazis-report-article-1.3544830
Kristallnacht was a night in pre-WWII Germany when the German SS terrorized Jewish people, burned and otherwise destroyed synagogues and murdered Jewish people, in case you don’t know.
In December of 2016, a month after Trump was elected and 2 months before Trump was sworn in, Nazi Richard Spencer told @JujuChangABC from @ABC News that Donald Trump would bring on a race war in the US:
Just as people will ignore this thread, people chose to ignore that threat. This year, we have had riots over racial injustices—something the Trump administration designed years ago but of course blames on the people who are rioting for justice. And the media amplify that lie.
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