200926 - A.C.E
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I was 14th in line and the call happened around 3am my time. but i was surprisingly awake.
Yuchan was first, and we exchanged the usual greetings, and I asked him what his point item was today. He said it was his spiky choker and started rambling about it being sharp and shiny 🥺
I then mentioned his eye makeup, I had to, look how pretty it is 😭 and he actually leaned in and started describing what colors the makeup artist put on him
I also thanked him for always working so hard and suddenly he got really serious and quickly shook his head. He said, "No no, it never feels like working hard. I love choice so its never difficult. It's all for you."
at the time i just smiled and thanked him but looking back i started to cry
:((( bc look how genuine he looks :(
after that moment we kinda paused for a beat and he got this soft look on his face that i cannot stop thinking about it
It was soon time to say goodbye and he stretched it out for a bit and kept thanking me and said he hoped we could speak again...we did hearts two different times all in one goodbye
Donghun was next. I captured the exact moment we locked eyes and he literally gasped 😭😭😭 ik i covered my face but my eyes sparkled its humiliating how i looked at him
Watching the video i didnt realize how fast i called him handsome...sierra get a grip. but he smiled so big, pointed at me, and said "you're so beautiful"
Right off the bat I told him I loved his long hair and asked him to please keep it long for a bit 👁👁 and he said that this was his favorite hairstyle hes tried so far and ran his hands through his hair...
Then I asked "what's a cover youre interested in doing?" and i was looking for a vocal cover but 😅 he ended up thinking for awhile then saying he wanted to cover bts. honestly i think he didnt know what to say so suddenly
After that question i paused and he really just kept looking at me like ☺️ so i said "you're making me nervous...you're too handsome" and he said "no I'm nervous" and i was like "YOU???" and he said "im nervous, because youre so beautiful" then looked down for the first time 😭
Time was up as we were laughing so he had to stop to say "thank you so much for coming today" and we waved bye :(
Junhee time..i had to point out his devil horn type hair lol. he immediately said "it took a lot of hair spray" then started literally posing at the camera...like for AWHILE it was so bizarre 😭😭
he literally made himself laugh after breaking out of his weird posing, winked, then did a finger gun at me LMAOOOO i literally had no idea how to react
I thanked him for writing clover for choice and said it meant a lot to us. He quickly got a sentimental tone and said he wanted to express how much choice meant to him and thanked me for mentioning it to him because it was something he always wanted to say
i dont remember all that he said but that was the overall summary
I also added that he was a great leader and that he worked so hard and I hope he takes care of himself. He said that he's only able to work so hard because choice give him strength to keep going. and he said "because of choice like you"
it was already goodbye time </3 he thanked me for seeing him and said he hopes to see me again
byeongkwan was next and he also did a little gasp but got shy pretty fast 😅
Before i could even say anything he said "Sierra, is this your first time?" I assume he meant meeting them so i said yes! Around this time Sehyoon peaked his head in to look at me LOL it startled me ngl
I told him it was callin mv dance ver that really caught my eye and that he stood out the most because of his dancing and orange hair~ BUT HE GOT SO HAPPY AND CLAPPED and was like "bk...bk...yes of course of course." i was so embarrassed 😭
I also mentioned the butterfly clips in his hair because they were so sparkly and cute :( hes such a sweet boy
I then thanked him for his segment on the show where he mentioned genderless people. I said that it meant a lot to genderless and nonbinary fans. He replied that its so important to express yourself however you need to to feel comfortable and happy
he also said genderless people inspired him and that they've made him more comfortable to try out new things for himself. Then just thanked me for showing support and being the real me :(((
again, time to say goodbye!
last but not least was sehyoon! After our greetings he complimented my hair! He really just said "your hair...wow" and did a thumbs up LOL
I asked what his point item was today, and he started looking around before deciding on the traditional tassels that hung from his belt 😭 he even stood up to show me and asked if i knew what it was and i said yes and said it was very pretty!
Once he sat down I said I wouldve guessed that his earrings were the point item because they reminded me of stained glass. And he suddenly started taking his earrings off i really said "what are you- ARE YOU TAKING IT OFF" and he did bc he wanted to show me </3
I said "your ears are so red omg" and he said "my ears?" and i said "Yes look how red!" and he got so embarrassed and just put his earring back in
Then it was final goodbyes!!!
I had so much fun talking to them and it really felt like a once in a life time opportunity :(
If anyone is interested, I'm hosting another group order for A.C.E's mmt exclusive pcs 🥺 pls rt https://twitter.com/civetravn/status/1310448098305478658?s=19
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