So, #StandupSunday...

This week I've had a bunch of amazing conversations with a lot of nice people here on Twitter!

🙏 A big thanks to everyone who was kind enough to share spend time talking to me.

These are the highlights of my week 👇
My week started with a #MindblowingMonday about GANs.

This sparked a cool conversation with @MattCodeJourney 😁. Also, I think @haltakov and @svpino got some ideas for future projects 🔥! Thanks to @apoorv__tyagi, @DreamOnShadows and everyone who joined!
#TechnicalTuesday was about AutoML.

Besides the usual suspects, @acoto87 and @Harsh_Rajgor9 also joined in the conversation 👏. @haltakov I'm gonna hold you to that promise of taking @auto_goal for a spin.
Tuesday was also the day we presented the @EhealthKd challenge hosted at @iberlef! A lot of cool people from the Spanish NLP community joined us in the after-party chat room!

If you missed them, all spotlight videos are in this thread.
We talked about communication skills in #WisdomWedneday.

Thanks to @svpino and @halkatov again for their comments 🙏! Check the thread below if you want to read more.
Thursday was quite a busy day for me. A lot of thesis reviews and paperwork to finish, so #TheoryThursday came a bit late in the night, this time about grammars.

@oscarlvp joined in with some mindblowing examples of grammars for image generation 🤯!
Friday was a busy day as well. We talked about what it means to ❤️ a tweet. A bunch of you came with your opinions, and more than 70 people already answered this poll. Thank you all 🙏!
I also worked a bit on refactoring and publishing a private tool I was building for myself, to analyze my own tweets and understand my behaviour online.

I'm waiting for suggestions and feedback to improve it 🙏!
#PhilosophyFriday was about living in a simulated reality 🤯!.

A bunch of you don't seem to be quite sure of what to make of it 🤣. Me neither, honestly. Thanks to @jksware and @Fi_Rajab for the awesome conversations we had!
And that's it! Feel free to hop into any of those conversations or start a new one by @ me at any time.

❤️ Happy Sunday everyone!
You can follow @AlejandroPiad.
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