Once at a breakfast buffet in a hotel, as I dined alone, a rather friendly waitress chatted up with me. Asked me from where I am, what do I do, how I’m finding my stay...
A rather friendly conversation.
As I left she told me her name is so and so and leave her a review.
So apparently that was the basic gist of it. The review. I guess the more better likes and reviews she’ll get the more she’ll be promoted. I don’t know what the main aim of this whole conversation was...
But in my opinion, it’s appalling now that being nice for reviews is a thing
Pizza delivery guys, cab drivers all operate on a scale of review.
But the review is not for the actual service (delivering food, taking you from point A to B) It’s for their worth, their progress in that company and for their interaction with you....
A social interaction in this era is the last remaining natural human “vestige”
So now being nice or chatty, is for the sake of the star ratings and reviews.
I somehow can’t comprehend a more dehumanising method to “rate” a fellow human being...
Yes earlier people were extra nice to you for tips...but now if someone is doing something nice for you in an industry and later implores you for a “good rating” where does that leave you or them as a human being??
What is your worth? What is the worth of that employee in the industry? The employee has to work odd hours as it is, but now has to put up with a rating system that rates their interactions and gauges how worthy they are merely based on their ratings....
And if this practice of (forced to being) “nice” for the sake of a good review or dreading a bad one, where are we heading as a society?
Tomorrow, would a grumpy person who runs a bakery be reviewed on how much he smiles for his customers, more than his goods??
I remember a very famous cafe which was packed but the old man running it was always grumpy. People loved the food, I thank my stars that he didn’t have to play to a system that “rated” his chattiness or his facial expressions! 🙄
So what’s the future? Reviewing exes on dating apps? Reviewing our friends? Buying things only from those who perpetually smiled like a deranged human?
Did we review rickshaw drivers, our house help or our delivery boys before?
What purpose does this serve and to what end?
Movie reviews, overall restaurant reviews, even reviews of a company maybe. But I’ve very mixed notions about reviewing an individual human being who has to go out of their way in their own jobs just so they can be rated and “judged”
One should see the episode, Nosedive on black mirror, to quote “The episode is set in a world where people can rate each other from one to five stars for every interaction they have, which can impact their socioeconomic status”
It seems that’s exactly where we’re headed..
To this day even now we seek validation of our vacation pics on FB based on how many likes they get.
Individual ratings, reviews, the need to be validated, are the starter steps of dehumanising a human being...
It’s honestly not the world I wish to belong in.
Not worth it at all.
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