I'm feeling vulnerable and lost and finding it difficult to put things on Twitter ( Im going to try now) One of main reasons I joined Twitter was for support and to support others and not to feel so isolated living with the challenges I do and to learn and share experiences
I'm ashamed typing this right now. Without people knowing my personal circumstances you would not understand the choices I am choosing to make. Reaching out to MH proffs is NOT an option for me as in past they have used my situations to benefit their opinions on their DX of
me as having a disordered personality and to make sure it DAM WELL STICKS! by any means or cost to me! ( No offence to people who feel PD DX helps them understand who they are, for me It doesn't it has only brought harm. I dont believe you can have a disordered personality.
We are who we are for various reasons. The reasons and what has happened to us make us react in certain ways...we are all different and all react accordingly to given situations. What one deems abnormal reactions or interactions in fact will be normal for YOU given
your circumstances ..what another thinks is all just opinions ...sadly though people with power within MH use this and then their OPINIONS BECOME GOSPEL and the whole WORLD bows to it and then assumes this is WHO YOU ARE!!
I'm living in a situation that is not good at all! ( I cannot get myself back home to my bungalow as I am dependant on others for transport and it is not good timing for them to take me home and if they did I am fearful that they would limit my future interactions with my
.....with my ...well I cant say just now as I am not ready and then you will know who I am talking about and this is embarrassing and difficult enough to type!!!
People can and always will draw their own conclusions BUT right now I am fearful I HAVE & WILL continue to make
unhealthy choices. The choices I am making now I feel benefit the individuals who treat my like complete and utter "crapola". I have questioned my days of living very much lately ....more than I ever have. The recent disclosure to investigator about the treatment from
MH services ( Mainly my last psychiatrist) has NOT HELPED I have finally told my truth now and I feel naked and vulnerable! I understand I will be all over the place with emotions right now as this is a very evoking situation to be in especially when I know that now I have
passed info over to investigator the harm may continue more for daring to speak out! Psychiatry will NEVER allow justice in my opinion. A recent letter from new psychiatrist has caused me much harm which goes to show THEY DO STICK TOGETHER EVEN when they dont always agree!
Their GOD COMPLEXES are a crime to humanity and cause many deaths and will continue to do so.
To any psychiatrist who does not harm its patients then I apologise but to those of you who have willingly tried to destroy my life and many others I have no feeling other than my
prayers and pleas that someone somewhere will hold you accountable for truly unforgiveable acts you carry out on some of societies most vulnerable. I have nightmares about those of you who do this ...I hope you find a place within you to change and if you cannot then I hope
this World swallows you up and spits you out leaving you on the wayside to rot as you have done with me and many others .I have been very lucky to be able to mention to a friend what is going on around me right now and although this has helped it has also made me feel sad
that my friend knows these things and deep down I know that they also know I need to get away from the situation and I also know it worries and upsets them knowing I am going through this.....Its complicated. ( THATS NOT AN EXCUSE) I am aware what I am allowing to happen to me
and I am kind of aware why. The end result for me is NOT a good one if I act on my impulses to protect myself ....My friend said one word to me recently : " Diffuse" and that is what I am trying to do everyday!

Today is a BAD DAY ...a really BAD DAY through the night my
thoughts decided to play their taunting game and normally I can challenge these thoughts and bring myself back to where I need to be BUT right now the physical and psychological situation I am in is too much to deal with. I suppose it is a saving grace that I am aware of this.
I'll hang onto the fact I'm aware and that is GOOD isnt it? Insight is good isnt it? TODAY I have had fleeting thoughts of feeling at peace to leave this World. Right now I know this is not ME at my best ( this is good to know right? means I wont do it right? or does it? )
I will endeavour to try and fight these thoughts right now even despite complete exhaustion having me in its grips. It is embarrassing to admit I am allowing others to continue to hurt me for all the " tools" and insight I have I feel I am falling FAST and I'm watching myself
doing it . Today I dislike me. I feel a failure and feel like the deserving place would be somewhere it all ceases!

Reading this thread back and the words "YOU FOOL" come to mind!!

PLEASE MIND SHHHH just for a while.. I need room to just BE without you are suffocating me??
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