Somehow I came across your comment and I felt compelled to speak up. I won’t insult you by pretending I know what is going on and what you face daily there in your country so therefore, I won’t speak on something I know nothing about. However, I felt compelled to speak up on a
Comment you made about our “low quality problems”. One can only perceive your comment as though black lives in America does not matter. How is the murder and brutalization of a race of people, your people, a low quality problem? African -Americans in this country have been
Subjected to being treated as 2nd class citizens, brutalized and beaten, murdered by the police unjustifiably in the streets and in their own homes. Treated with discrimination in the job market, education, housing. There is no equality in America for anyone who is not white
Especially for a African-Americans. And this has been going on Since slavery, when their ancestors were stolen And sold from their homeland. Slavery ended in 1865 here but the racism hasn’t. That is why cancel culture is happening here. Those statues are of people who were
For and fought for pro-slavery. Slavery wasn’t just people made to work on someone’s land. They were beaten, raped, mutilated, family members sold And it didn’t end when slavery ended. The police ARE NOT being held accountable for what they are doing. Now throw in the crazy
President that is a racist, inciting violence, breaking law after law and every oath he was made to swear by to uphold. Our government is corrupt Our very democracy is in danger and we are on the brink of a 2nd civil war here. This president hates anyone who is not
For him. AND now throw in the pandemic. He admitted to knowing about the virus and downplaying the severity of it causing tens of thousands of lives. We have over 204,000 deaths so far. That could have been prevented if he would’ve been forthcoming to the public
About the virus right away. He keeps holding rallies with thousands sometimes in attendance not wearing masks not social distancing. America is going through a crisis and it’s because of this president. Hundreds of thousands of
People are without jobs, we see an average of 1000 deaths a day from the virus, thousands have lost their housing since the start of it. Civil unrest of this magnitude is not the norm here. For us Americans all this does not equate to “low quality problems”. We have always
Rendered aid across the world to those who needed it and I really hope the rest of the world does not share your same perception of us.
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