Fought #OnThisDay 27 Sept 1810 The Battle of Bucasso.
To block Marshal Massena's invasion of Portugal, Wellington chose a very strong position on the heights of Bucasso.

His army consisted of 25,000 British, 25,000 Portuguese & 78 guns, against 60,000 French with 112 guns.
Masséna had been ordered to drive the British from Portugal.

Delay was key, the lines of Torres @OfVedras were being constructed.
The Bucasso ridge, is 549 meters high, intersects the road to Coimbra & Lisbon, providing the best defensive position on the French route.
Opening the battle Masséna ordered Ney & Reyner to attack up the ridge.

The Anglo-Portugese deployments were hidden by the tall ridge.

Here Wellington made superb use of the "Reverse Slope" tactic.

As the French columns crested the ridge they attempted to deploy into line.
The columns struggled to deploy, the British & Portuguese regiments closed to them, delivering deadly volley fire, whilst the Artillery tore bloody holes in the ranks.

Despite this the French struggled on. Briefly gaining a foothold on the ridge.
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