Just been on the scales. A calorie deficit of 7,000 calories equating to a kg of weight loss is scarily accurate. I’ve made two tiny changes this month that have had massive impact. Didn’t follow the ‘change one variable’ rule so don’t know which is best. 1/5
1. No alcohol, not even no/low alcohol drinks.
2. Dropped my calorie goal by 500 and didn’t count any fruit or veg apart from potatoes. 2/5
Two things I read this month that have helped:
1. Your body burns alcohol last (after carbs then fat I think - I’m not sure how accurate this is, but even the concept has helped to spur me on). 3/5
2. 100 calories of an apple and 100 calories of a Big Mac have the same calorific value, but will be stored and processed differently. This is painfully, logically obvious, yet has really made me think. 4/5
These for me, alongside the bottle-carrying visualisation I think I’ve tweeted about before, have been extraordinarily helpful.

Keep going! 5/5
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