Just a friendly PSA from your neighborhood T1D:
My fellow writers, please stop using diabetic as a descriptor for something sweet, or saying eating something sweet will make you diabetic.
It's inaccurate and harmful to keep spreading that narrative. It is no different than what +
+ happens when people use psychological terms like 'sociopath' or 'psychopath' for exaggeration and in turn misrepresent what those medical terms actually mean.
Just stop.
They are medical terms for a reason, not the punchline of a joke or a descriptor for a food or action. +
It really just completely ruins a fic for me when I see these things happening.
My disease is not fun.
It is not a joke.
It is exhausting and I have to deal with it every single day of my life because if I don't? I die.
So to have it cheapened as a way to describe +
something as 'too sweet'?
It sucks.
It's sucks a lot.
And I'm not necessarily mad that people do this because I know it is done out of ignorance and not to purposely offend, but please, now that you know, stop.
Sorry for the rant, but I was really enjoying a fic and this happened and I am just so frustrated and I didn't want to leave a comment on the fic bc I don't want to be /that person/ but people need to know that this isn't okay.
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