Tw // depression
Just wanted to explain a bit. I never want to be the person who’s fishing for compliments or pity because I genuinely don’t really want or need any of that. Today has been a shit day mentally because I have diagnosed clinical depression. Some days are better...
Than others but, today wasn’t one of those days. And I know I’ll be ok tomorrow hopefully but depression is just as much physical as it is mental and I’m just saying this for the people who don’t know. Like just typing this is actually taking so much energy and it’s the...
smallest thing I could be doing right now. Sometimes I struggle to get out of bed to even go to the bathroom let alone go about a normal day. I have a MASSIVE headache rn which is why I’m even more exhausted and why I’m trying to stay off social media rn....
Im saying this to help people who’ve never experienced it to slightly understand more and for the people who go through this like me to know they aren’t alone. It’s okay to go through these days. When people say we suffer from depression we know we really do SUFFER...
And it doesn’t make you ‘broken’ or ‘wrong’ it makes you human. So I’m not saying this for any Im sorrys or anything. I just want people to understand that this is literally an illness and there’s so much more to it than feeling ‘sad’ (which is like not even true)...
You feel numb. Empty. Weak. CONSTANTLY TIRED. Exhausted physically. Sore sometimes. Insomnia. Headaches. No interest in anything. You literally HATE yourself. Like it’s so deep routed you hate who you are And you blame yourself for it. You’re forgetful. Weeks will go by...
and you won’t even remember most of it. When I had my lowest time it was for months and I literally could not tell you anything I did during those months other than read Harry Potter cus it kept me going. And a lot of the time people with depression ALSO have anxiety....
which is a whole other set of symptoms I’m not going to get into for the sake of this thread. So just understand that depression isn’t something that can just be ‘fixed’ it’s just as much physical as it is mental. When someone tells you they’re...
Feeling depressed (I know personally) all I want is comfort. I want to feel comforted and safe. I don’t need advice or help or anything because quite frankly it doesn’t really do much because when you’re at your worst you just don’t have that brain capacity. You just want...
To feel comforted and safe. (Since I’m single and lonely this is why i got a weighted blanket lol and I wanna get a dog once I move out of my current house) so just remember, just let them know that you love and support them and ask if you can do anything, but don’t try to fix it
Bcus it really isn’t something that can be ‘fixed’ we just need more understanding on this subject so we can all know how to help the ones around us. And yes if you’re having suicidal thoughts I BEG you to call a hotline or any other resources you may have. Your life is important
I’ll try to find some resources to add but just wanted to get that out. If u read this all thank u for listening. If youre in the same position as me know youre so important and beautiful and amazing. And Im here for you always TPWK cus u never know what someone is going through
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