i want to take you on a tour of large numbers, small and large. i mean wayy too large, just so we can loosen up our sense of the universe.

Stay with me ok 🤭
but first let me re-introduce you the exponential notation, let's start with 1, you have seen this number before, there are no zeros in it. In exponential notation it is 10^0 ( ten to the zero power) or any base but let it be 10. The number 1 has no zeros to the right of that 1
Let's go to thousand; 1000 it has 3 zeros in it so we're gonna write it as 10³. Oh by the way, What's the prefix for a thousand? A kilo! Written as a kilometre(1000 metres) or a kilogram(1000 grams).
Alright, let's go to another 3 zeros 👀
To a million! 1000000, in exponential form it is 10^6, whose prefix is mega!

Like megaphone, megabyte or megawatt. Maybe, this is the highest they had Learned how to count at the time they invented the megaphone xD
How about another 3 zeros? We're headed towards a BILLION! 1000000000 or 10^9. Let's look around the world & ask what kinds of things are in billions? 7 billion people in the world, @BillGates is upto 80 billion$ I guess? @McDonalds sign displays 'billions & billions' served!
Take 100 billion hamburgers, lay them end to end. Where will you get to? Pacific ocean? Africa? Nope. You'll go 216 times around the earth.

But you still have some left over. Cool, stack them up, how high do you go?

You go to moon and come back!

Idk who's gonna eat them now.
so this was just to give u a sense of how big a billion really is! Anyway here's another perspective; when you're 31 years old, you've lived your billionth second, now please don't forget to celebrate that with a bottle of champagne when you reach that age lmao

what's the next one up? A TRILLION; 1000000000000 or 10^12. You actually can't count to a trillion, ofcourse you could try but if u counted one number every second it would take you 31,000 YEARS!! which is why I don't recommend this doing even at home
oh and yes, a trillion seconds ago, our ancestors who lived in the cave were drawing pictures of the night sky and animals on their living room walls, just saying 👀
Alright, what's next? A QUADRILLION!
Hold on, that's 1000000000000000 or 10^15, oh my gosh this number is so big, between 1 and 10 quadrillion, there are Ants living on and inside the earth! That's how big that number is!
Keep going keep going! What's next?

A QUINTILLION! HOLY SHIT THAT'S 100000000000000000 OR 10^18, that's the estimated number of the grains of sand on the top 10 largest beaches of earth! And you can even calculate this, just requires a lil bit of multiplication!
You know what's next? That's my favourite number 👀

10 SEXTILLION! 1000000000000000000000 OR 10^22,


You want more? Well, ofcourse you do!

Let me jump beyond this, let's make a number larger than 1 sextillion. How about 10^81, this number is so big that the number of zeros won't even fit in my word limit of this tweet lol
As far as I know this number has no name!
10^81 is the number of ATOMS IN THE ENITRE OBSERVABLE UNIVERSE! I don't think I need to say anything after that lmao
Do we need anything bigger than this number? What on earth could you be counting? How about 10^100 a nice round looking number, this is known as a Googol, don't confuse with Google. It's just a fun number because there's nothing in the universe that u can apply a Googol to!
So I have a number even bigger than a Googol 👉🏻👈🏻

If a Googol is 1 followed by 100 zeros then how about 10 to the Googol power? That has a name too! It's known as a GoogolPlex! It is 1 with Googol zeros after it, YOU CANNOT POSSIBLY WRITE DOWN THIS NUMBER!
Sorry but I have a number bigger than GoogolPlex, physicist Jacob Bekenstein invented a formula to calculate the max possible number of Quantum states that could have a mass & size compared to our universe, it is
10^(10^124) a number that has 10^24 times zeros than a GoogolPlex!
These are just fun numbers but they are extremly useful in calculating the ways things can happen(I'll get back to it some other time) I don't know anything beyond these numbers expect this one monsterous number!
A theorem once contained this badass number

10^(10^(10^34)) this is known as the skewe's number, numbers are truly one of the most beautiful Elements of our World
I guess this is enough to melt your mind lmao, so that's all for today. Enjoy looking and grasping your mind around these numbers cause I do the same thing all day everyday, we're not evolved to understand these numbers easily.

As always, keep looking up ✨
I don't think there's any typo here 😳
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