√One of the biggest challenges we face is getting along with people,because everyone is different in terms of personalities,backgrounds.When they do things we don't want,it's easy to get into conflict with them,we become negative so
what happened,we've allowed strife into our life.Strife is a spirit just like peace is a spirit.

√You walk in a room and happen to know nobody tension will come that's the spirit of strife.The scripture says,give no place to the enemy.Strife can't come and take over
bring a relationship to an end.Jesus said in Mark 3:25 "A house filled with strife &division destroys itself".We all have this feeling of fighting back when they do us wrong .It doesn't mean you have to engage in it,its the spirit of strife trying to Invade you.
√When we allow strife in,it opens doors to unnecessary troubles .It takes a mature person to overlook an offence and say am not going to let this anger,bitterness ruin my day,am gonna let it go.When you keep strife out of your life,that's not being weak
that's a sign of strength. It takes a mature person to apologize even when the other person is wrong.

√The most mature person is the one that walks away from an argument,,its not the one that's always right,its the one that keeps the peace
Blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called sons of God.When you keep strife out of your life because there is unity in your home God is gonna grant you more wisdom and happiness and take you to the fullness of your destiny
√Every morning when you wake up say to yourself that am gonna stay in Faith,put on the right attitude no matter how the day is gonna be,am going to be a peacemaker,kind,good to people and when you do that everyday,God is gonna birth new,amazing things in your life
{A flood of His endless blessings}that you can't contain.
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