I don't want to introduce terror into your life, but I want you to know that there are more Trump supporters out there than you all think.

We went to go grab dinner a few nights ago..
and there was some sort of a fucking really where they all went to go circle jerk about how great he is at the corner of a major intersection. They rented out a TGI Friday's parking lot or some shit. I don't know.
You don't think these people are real until you fucking see them in person flying trump flags, and "the don't tread on me" flag completely removed from the reality that he's wiping his ass with the flag that you emblazoned his campaign logos over.
Best part was the constant blaring of car horns. Semi truck horns. In some cases, fire engine sirens, and more than one police siren as a cruiser drove by.
They don't care about what he's said. They only care about fuck you got mine. and what they got was a president who stomps minorities into mulch like they wanted him to, or offered business owners and corporations tax breaks to the detriment of everything else. fuck you, got mine
or, in other cases, "I didn't get mine, and I'm enough of a fuckstick to take joy in the fact that you didn't get yours either."

There are... way more of them out there than you think.
Every fucking day I keep seeing more and more trump banners popping up in our neighborhood.

"Promises kept" to who?
"No more bullshit", support the administration that has spouted more bullshit in the past four years than any fucking administration in recent memory.
and I can't fathom why they support him.

Is this family full of psychotic, paranoid racist homophobes who think the fucking deep state™ is out to them? ...Or did they look at his track record of behavior, and weigh it against the benefits they got (tax cuts) and say fair trade.
I don't know. But. I feel like there are a lot of people who are under the assumption this is going to be a landslide loss for 🍊 and are failing to see the reality.
...This is how it feels.
I don't know what else to tell you other than this isn't going to be the landslide you think it is. And if you're thinking of sitting it out, you really need to reconsider.

I'm not hopeful that this is going to turn well in the least.
I don't normally get to political, but I also don't normally vehemently hate the direction our country is being led in.
a populist president co-opting the voice of an overworked, underpaid population, taking advantage of barely concealed contempt or hatred of anything that appears different from them, in spite of that diversity being what actually makes this country worth it. pretty familiar, eh?
so, if you feel that "stop being political" tweet welling up, stick it sideways right up that butthole of yours, and smash that motherfuckin unfollow or block button. I won't miss you.
half my followers are a constant stream of "I'm protesting over massive amounts of injustice, and trying to cope with an administration that is actively trying to suppress it" the other half is "Me or my family/friends are sick or dead. It was entirely preventable."
...things have been political for a little fuckin' while now.
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