I don't support LGBT rights.

I do not believe it's good for the long term stability of society.
I also find it ridiculous how LGBT went from "please tolerate us" to "If you don't support us you're backward and evil" in less than 20 years.

Get the fuck out of here.
Now I *don't* think they should be prosecuted or harrassed.


Public display of it should be illegal.
Showing it on TV should be illegal.

This shit should not be normalized.

Do you thing behind closed doors and don't act like it's "perfectly normal"

It isn't.
The very fact that this tweet will get mobbed shows how brainwashed people are

Why do you feel the need to try to shut me up instead of giving me real reasons?

Gimme an argument, don't call me names like "regressive" and "homophobic"
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