I’m really fucking tired of disabled people who say, “Guys, I know that white people have done bad things, but I have anxiety and you’re making me feel bad. :(“

Bud, I have anxiety too, but what you’re doing is silencing marginalized people. You need to gain some perspective.
Does it hurt to see stuff like this sometimes? Yeah, but that’s a you problem. I know this because white people act the same way even if they AREN’T disabled. You can’t just decide that nobody can ever criticize oppressive groups simply because it hurts your feelings.
“But Kristine, being disabled doesn’t make you privileged.”

No, but being a white does. White disabled people don’t face the same problems as disabled POC. They’ve been telling us this for years, and you need to fucking learn it because there’s no excuse at this point.
Look, it sucks to feel sad, but someone saying, “This group of people benefit from the harm inflicted upon me,” isn’t something you should be arguing. Cuz you know what’s more upsetting than being called racist? Experiencing actual fucking racism.
So go ahead and feel sad, if you can’t help it. But don’t silence POC. That’s massively uncool. I shouldn’t have had to make this thread, but I’m still seeing other white disabled people doing this, and you need to stop it right now.
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