I have to laugh, cry & shake my head. How can u justify one's choice of buffet bcuz of culture. She ate a dog man. There's no rhyme or reason for it. I've been to other countries & experienced new culture & seen plenty of pets around. I've never look at a cat & wanted to bbq it.
Whether her or anyone. You seriously need to rethink your moral compass & decision making process if one feels the need to eat pets or if one feels they have to eat them out of culture respect. Their is no other way to describe it, but inhumane.
1/Eating a rabbit, a Deer or pig isn't the same as eating man's best friend. My lord & these people vote🤔 I don't look at my dog Leroy & say; you see that buddy, you're lucky you live in Canada or you'd be dinner tonight...
2/I don't agree with the way human beings are treated in certain countries either, but that doesn't mean we turn a blind eye to it, bcuz its a different culture outside of Canada. Give your head a shake.
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