bnha characters as muslims a thread
midoriya izuku:
- hafiz
- says salam to everyone before they can say salam to him
- helps the younger kids memorize surahs
- he comes to the masjid often enough that everyone knows him
- the little kids recognize him & always come up to talk to him (he'll give em candy sometimes)
todoroki shouto:
- always feeds the masjid cats they r chill w everyone else but they love tdrk
- all the aunties love him too??
- never fails to catch ppl stealing or fucking around w the shoes and calling them out in front of everyone
- first and last one there during tarawih
bakugou katsuki:
- in a bad mood in ramadan bc he tries to stop cursing
- will get mad at u if u ask him if his food his halal ("tf ofc it is")
- leaves his shoes in the middle of the walkway
- hafiz w beautiful recitation
- if he's leading prayer he will use. the longest surahs
ashido mina
- is always holding or planning some sort of ladies event/night
- hijab matches her clothes ALWAYS
- goes to the mens side to steal their food
- most ladies dont know her well but always see her at the masjid and just. KNOW they can go to her for anything they need.
kirishima eijirou
- gives sadaqah every. single. time he goes to the masjid
- will refer to everyone as brother ___
- knows everyones names
- passes out dates & food during ramadan
- also gives the best advice. islamic & not.
- endless knowledge of hadith, always has one to quote
kaminari denki
- only recites one of surah falaq, nas, or ikhlas during prayer
- is a well of knowledge abt all the sahabi!! like he will tell u all of their entire life stories off the top of his head
- during ramadan he will end every sentence with "in RAMADAN?? astaghfirullah"
sero hanta
- shows up to break his fast at the masjid AFTER maghrib namaz
- "please donate to the masjid" announcements after every namaz
- memorized the quran but not in arabic
- sweaty bc hes always playing basketball in the parking lot before namaz
- does he rlly have wudu?
iida tenya
- extremist
- enough said
- jsjfkdk but seriously he will tell u off for. EVERYTHING
- "lower ur eyes brother astaghfirullah" loudly in front of everyone
- "shoes on the RACK brother"
- "did u pray sunnah brother?????"
- hafiz
- tries to pray every namaz at the masjid
uraraka ochako
- has the earrings that clip onto ur hijab
- always volunteers for fundraisers !!
- will watch kids when shes on her period
- will go with u to the mens section if ur nervous
- sets up chairs for the elderly & can pick up like 6 at once
- "how r u?" "allhamdulilah"
tsu asui
- is the auntie that says "bismillah!" whenever a kid falls
- will tell u if ur hair is showing under ur hijab
- u never see her leave the masjid. u never see her enter the masjid. but she is there.
- always makes wudu at the masjid instead of coming with wudu
yaoyorozu momo
- handles where all the zakat goes
- hafiz for sure
- always always always at the masjid
- wears an abayah w her hijab
- volunteers at sunday school !!
- helps set up masjid events n fundraisers
- studies at the masjid in the back
- boys want her fathers number
jirou kyoka
- has 28494 of the same hijab
- always helps the younger girls w their hijabs when asked !!
- never forgets to add "inshallah"
- listening to music 24/7 even at the masjid
- always prays sunnah but usually misses fajr
- will Not go to the mens side for anything
where did all my muslim moots go 🤨🤨
hagakure tooru
- has all the masjid gossip even tho she isnt even at the masjid very often?
- her hair is always visible under her hijab
- always forgets to put her shoes on the rack
- sometimes will miss namaz even when she's at the masjid
- at the masjid 24/7 during ramadan tho
shinsou hitoshi
- sleeps at the masjid during ramadan
- u will NEVER catch him at the masjid for fajr
- is on excellent terms with the imam
- also one of the ppl cats like
- never sticks around at the masjid very long
- will glare at u long and hard if u were loud during prayer
aizawa shouta
- the imam
- will sleep at the masjid often throughout the year
- looks unapproachable but is v nice & knowledgeable
- gives excellent friday khutbahs
- spends time petting the cats they love him
- his car is always in the imam spot sometimes even when hes not there
shoji mezo
- Tech Guy(tm)
- also sets up fans in the summer
- do u want a water bottle? doesnt matter if u do or dont bc u have one now
- knocks & stands outside the ladies section when he is asked to pass something over
- lowers 😤 his 😤 gaze 😤
- brings dates during ramadan
midoriya inko
- everyones mom
- brings food to the masjid to share whenever she goes
- will always get something from the masjid fundraisers
- always stops by younger/youth/college age ladies nights to give food and say hi
- "u look so grown mashallah!!"
- everyone loves her
toshinori yagi
- he's always at the masjid but. who is he?
- u see him EVERYWHERE?? even outside the masjid
- super involved in the masjid
- he gives the best khutbas but no one recognizes him when hes not giving one
- leads prayer sometimes
- hafiz but is embarrassed to admit it
- so many piercings
- aunties & uncles do not like him bc of this
- no one knows who he is??
- loiters at the masjid. he wont pray namaz he'll just hang around
- younger kids think he is the coolest brother
- would never ever miss jummah
- plays basketball sometimes
- hafiz??
- was an imam at his previous masjid but he's only 21
- gets bullied by the younger kids sometimes
- he will give the occasional khutbah but some ppl will not pay much attention bc he's too young
- is always late to prayer, even to break fast during ramadan??
gran torino
- is one of the uncles that hates piercings
- will berate u for even looking at the sisters section
- "pray ur sunnah boy"
- "why were u so loud during namaz? why weren't u praying?"
- always at the masjid, everyone knows his name
- younger kids try to avoid him
im having too much fun w this someone stop me im doing too many characters
mirio togata
- muadhin
- volunteers at sunday school & for fundraisers
- has a fanbase of little kids that he will play with outside
- reminds everyone to close the gaps just before prayer
- one of the only teenagers that wears a topi
- uncles love him
- sets out chairs
amajiki tamaki
- "is this halal?"
- absolutely refuses to do wudu at the masjid
- somehow always manages to put space between u n him when praying?? like u'll try to go shoulder to shoulder but he'll always find extra space
- is always in the first or last row at the very end
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