“The first time I met you I wasn’t completely honest,” said Julie speaking Mrs. Patterson. “The truth is, I did know about Luke and the song, and how I knew was because he told me.” “Luke’s been dead for 25 years,” said Emily, looking outside to see if anyone was with her
“No, it may sound crazy, but Luke and I are in a band together. He’s a ghost, who can only be visible to me, but can be seen by everyone when we perform.” Emily begins to look concerned and picks up the phone, “do your parents know you’re here, sweetie? What’s their number?”
“I can prove it to you, and, well, that’s actually what we came here to do,” said Julie, “remember the song I gave you? Unsaid Emily? Well, Luke and I want to play it for you, and you can talk to Luke.” Emily looks on with caution, but secretly hoping the girl is right.
Julie looks to Luke. “Are you ready?” she said. “What if she’s still mad? I did leave on bad terms,” said Luke, looking at Julie with his piercing blue eyes. “She’ll love it, I promise,” said Julie, Emily still looking on with concern. “Here we go,” Julie starts the song.
Julie sings the first line then Luke and his guitar appear in front of Emily. Emily begins to sob. She calls her husband in, who falls to the ground in tears at the sight of Luke. They listen and sob as Julie and Luke finish the song. Luke hands his guitars to Julie and she plays
“I’m so sorry I ever left you,” Luke tells his mom. “I wish I could just hug you right now. I love you more than anything, and I hope the song says it all.” Emily runs towards him, sobbing, with arms open wide to hug him. And much to his surprise, it worked.
Luke takes a minute to relish the hug as his father joins. Then, he begins to glow, but it was different than with Julie. “What’s happening,” Luke said, looking at his hand slowly fading away. “What if making up with your parents was your unfinished business?” Julie said.
“Does this mean I’m crossing over?” said Luke. “It might,” said Julie. Emily and her father let go. “Do I not get a choice in this. I want to stay I want to be in the band I want to be with my parents I don’t want to cross over,” said Luke, sobbing. His arms faded now.
“But most of all,” said Luke, “I want to be with you, Julie Molina. I love you,” said Luke for the first time. Julie sobs, “I love you too, but you’re leaving me for something better.” “How could it compare to being here with you?” said Luke.
He looks like a mirage now. “Julie, I don’t want to leave please stop this PLEASE,” Luke cried and plead. “Luke,” Julie said, putting her hands on his face knowing it was for the last time, “I will never forget you. Thank you for bringing music back to me. I love you.”
He faded as she said those three words. “I love you, I love you, I love you,” she said in shock, feeling as if she couldn’t breathe. Emily came and held her, knowing julie needed the comfort more than herself, since Luke died to her 25 years ago but 2 seconds ago to Julie.
Emily gave Julie a ride home, Julie still in a state of shock, saying “I love you” over and over. Julie walked into the studio to find Reggie and Alex playing darts, so how did the thing with Luke go? Did it work? Julie broke from her trance and began to sob and yelled HES GONE
The boys immediately ran over to hug Julie, tears streaming down all of their faces. They just sat there for hours, wishing that their friend and bandmate would come back to them. He never did.
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