Something happened tonight that just stunned me. I was discussing current events with my 25 year old and he said, “well, you know, people my age have never seen a functioning government.” I stopped. “But you saw Obama”
“ yah, but when I became aware was 2010, and that was....
...when the GOP was blocking everything and pushing for america to default on its debt. It wasn’t just the president. The system as a whole was nonfunctional.”

Then he said, “don’t you get it? Thats why my generation is so cynical. To us, government is a mess that is...
...incapable of managing anything.” They will be paying for the trillion dollar tax cuts, they will be paying for the consequences of climate change, they will even be paying for the consequences of Covid.

But judges.

We as a nation have failed our children so badly.
Folks misunderstand. My son isnt apathetic. One of the first things he did in getting a good paying job was start contributing to dem political campaigns. But hes right - since “burn it all down” GOPrs exploded with rage that a black man was president, they’ve crippled government
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