The most frustrating thing about Trumps Covid incompetence: if he had JUST seen more than today’s stock charts, if we had done a true, 90 day national lockdown with public education on masks, plus testing and PPE development, this would have ended in early June. Business would... up and running, people would be out and about, kids would be back at school, colleges would be operating, there would be none of this mask fighting because it never would have been politicized. EVERYTHING that has happened since the virus got here - the spread, the death...
...the business collapses, the desperation, grandparents not being able to see their grandkids, kids being orphaned, nursing homes on lockdown, schools barely functioning - ALL of it is Trumps fault, a consequence of his stupidity and inability to accept that magic is not...
...a viable solution. Anyone who does not see what a terrible leader this man is, or why the United States cannot survive another four years of his incompetence (for gods sake! We’re quarantined from the world!) and malignant narcissism, is not paying attention.....
...we are on the point of the spear. We could go either way here. History will marvel that, in the middle of one of the greatest crises in American history, republicans were spending time not on dealing with it, but on judges wanted by their donors...
....this country is broken, perhaps beyond repair. If I didnt have family here, i wonder if I’d want to stay regardless of who wins the election. We are an anti science, anti expertise nation un equipped to manage in the 21st century. Bottom line: the election is step one. ...
...theres so much to fix, so many crises to overcome. Still, even working hard, I don’t know if we can pull it together. America may be Trump’s latest United States Football League: a great franchise, destroyed by his arrogance & incompetence, now in the dust bin of history.
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