In any event, Amy Coney Barrett is not "brilliant." You can pick apart her shitty arguments quite easily if you've been trained to spot how @FedSoc makes their sausage.
Step 1: Invent an original intent of a dead white guy who cannot be asked about the intent you ascribe to him..
Step 2: Determine said intent ALWAYS MAGICALLY agrees with your preferred outcome.
Step 3: Write law review article claiming that EVERYBODY ELSE FOREVER has missed this obvious and suddenly incontrovertible intent.
Step 4: Cite said article because you have no actual precedents
Step 5: Check to see if any cis-hetro-white men are harmed by your new-yet-allegedly-obvious intent, if so, limit your opinion, if not, proceed.
Step 6: Publish opinion, get overruled by everybody the fuck else. Complain that not enough FedSoc judges have been appointed.
Step 7: Wait until McConnell packs your Circuit
Step 8: Have other people to call you *brilliant* for being gifted power while white.

She's not brilliant. She's just smart enough to do something fancy for a living. She's part of a SYSTEM designed to take away people's rights.
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