Meet the cringest propaganda of Politico with its desperated Belomaidan propaganda.

These young "exiles" endorsed themselves why are stupids, creating equal of cringe intensity as rest of these well-know "freedom fighters" for example FSA.
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It's so ridiculous how Politico did propaganda mixing the proge-booj slang and the white-red-white rag when it was endorsed to show servility to H1tler, with the aim to demonize Belarus and its current system.
Funniest part is how these "exiles" believe that "Poland is freer than Belarus" when the current country is capitalist landfill, built in 75% sectarianism trad-fesh and 25% posmo.

US/EU won't criticize Poland because is its ally, many US/NATO bases.
Nothing surprised if these youngers go to Saudi Arabia and the current sect who rules protect them even both will say "Saudi Arabia is freer than Belarus".

Anything can happen.
End of thread and let's laugh of these freaks who someone will do the museum of cringe and they will be part of this exhibition.
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