Fake Constitutional Scholar here.

ACB believes that the right to an abortion is not guaranteed in the Constitution. (She hasn't said that in so many words, but the people who support her seem sure about that.)

Okay, but what does the Constitution allow?
Would it allow the government to ban all abortions under any circumstances? If not, which circumstances are allowed? (She's said that it shouldn't be allowed for sex selection or for certain birth defects like Downs Syndrome.) But how about an non-viable pregnancy? Rape?
If a woman seeks out an illegal abortion and is caught, can the state imprison her until the baby is brought to term? Can they then take the baby away from the mother, on the grounds she tried to kill it? The Constitution remains silent.
For that matter, is a fetus a "person" under the 14th Amendment? If so, can the state overrule the mother in regard to what's best for it? How about the father? (We already have states prosecuting mothers for willful endangerment of an unborn child.)
She won't answer these questions (at least, not until she's on the court) but these questions exist. People who dismiss Roe because the word "abortion" doesn't appear in the text of the Constitution forget that there are a LOT of words that don't appear there... like, Air Force.
...and it is the job of the Supreme Court to apply the Constitutional text -- as short and limited as it is -- and two centuries of case law and commentary and precedent to problems that the Framers never imagined, or could.
This is why I say "originalism" may be a good idea, but we don't know, because it's never been tried.
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