Apologies for leaving unnoticed.
You deserve an explanation after all.
I’ll continue this thread after I finish up fixing my eardrum that my father blew out and take a shower, considering I just had hydrogen peroxide in my ear for 5 minutes.
Thanks, it’ll take about 5-10 min.
After I make this thread, I won’t be back for a week. It’s the last week of my virtual learning and I want to get used to not tweeting every 5 minutes during class, I’m sure everyone’s felt that at some point.
I’ll try to be mature about this, but I can’t promise anything.
Alright, I’m out.
I’ll be blunt:
I nearly killed myself twice, only once did I actually act on it.
The night I made that tweet, I was planning on putting a knife in my gut. But instead I just sat on my couch and cried. I think I cried for an hour or two, apologies as it’s blurred
The second time I was going to give myself acetometophen poisoning with Tylenol. My mother got home before I could actually do it.
These past few days have been bleak, I’ve had horrendous thoughts and it’s getting to the point I can’t go outside. Twitter hasn’t helped in any way.
I barely remember any of it to be frank, I only remember feeling terrible and frightened for my life.
Taking that small break made me feel better emotionally, I had impulse to open an app I deleted but for the most part I felt more alive.
However it was brought to my attention-
That the way I went about it was quite worrisome, making it look like a suicide note of sorts. Looking back I understand fully, and I’m sorry if I worried anyone.
The main reason I left was because I had felt extremely guilty. I was simply slapping a label on a name without doing
The work, that’s what I thought at the time at least.
I was in a dark place, even the slightest comment, joke or not, would send me crying. I understood it wasn’t healthy and I took time off.
Telling people not to reach out was both good and bad on my part, it was uncalled for-
Yet at the same time I didn’t want to run the risk of blowing up in someone’s face. I was cocky and it’d sound horrible.
I don’t know how to describe it. No one deserves some half assed apology and I’m not attempting to provide that. I know I fucked up, I’m willing to own up to-
That fact.
Apologies if these come out slower, I don’t know how to properly address the situation.
TL;DR: I done goofed and tried offing myself over petty shit.
Is that good? Probably not, I’d sound like an asshole.
There’s not an excuse for my behavior and I realize that. I know
That’s the worst way to tell everyone you’re taking a break and it’s understandable if you think I’m trying to gain attention.
I came back on here earlier and I was near tears, Criminal Minds only worsened it.
I’m really, really sorry if I worried anyone. I’ll have all my socials
Linked if anyone wants to talk, but just know I might not respond quickly.
I’ve handled it in the worst way imaginable and caused a mess.
I’ll be on for a bit longer, but not nearly as much as I was before. It seemed like my life depended on negative attention and it’s disgusting
To think that way. The things I called myself in my previous thread were part of that and it’s how I still view myself. I refuse to apologize for speaking about myself in that manner though.
My socials won’t be part of this thread, they’ll be a standalone tweet.
I must cut this short, my ear is getting worse and I need to call a doctor.
Thank you for following the development of Yandere Simulator. I’m sorry, I needed to bring some kind of light hearted joke in here.
But seriously, thank you to those who reached out. And I’m sorry I’m not
You can follow @UnholyMoaning.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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