fml I need goofy friends it's too boring '-'
I'm scooby doo in the flesh but I've got to find the right person its difficult
also everyone is inferior to me and don't deserve me
somehow all the friends I've had perhaps one exception were just a lot more stupid than me I feel like?
Am I seeking dummys or am I drawing dummys is the question
Maybe I liked my dumb friends coz I was able to feel superior their stupidity was giving me what I was looking for huh
sounding like a psychopath right about now im just kidding.
I guess it's the "girl looking for ugly friends" thing but slightly turned over but that would actually mean I think of myself as stupid and need the gratification or something?
or it could be as simple as having two of me would be impossible to keep a friendship
but rly I'm just bored and babbling about random shit right now to pass time I guess I'm good at talking to myself.
I like to imagine ure watching me but everyone sleeps at 3:20 am I'm still a bit delusional
I'm so impulsive sometimes
u don't realize how much time u spend with people everyday until they are gone soo bored
I keep on making my twitter ugly well I'm finna delete this shit anyway or idk doesn't matter if I delete it or not but my autism ticks want me to have a smooth looking profile
I wonder if my vents create/created arguments I lowkey worry about that still but I guess it's just interesting
what to do till 5am
and yeah if u visit my profile its ur own fault I just realized
ok not really I do check profiles without much control over it too
well today is kind of a good today I feel kinda chill
not as delusional as past days atleast
I wrote today instead of day im stupid
how is my follower count still at 11 by the way they must've deactivated all my shit by now
being calm + deluded is kinda scary though lmao
nono, as long as I know I'm crazy I'm not crazy in the real sense of it
sigh 56 more minutes to go
I've been in this thread for 1 hour 10 minutes now it did feel relatively like less
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