I said a year ago, I will say it now. Congress should make it a federal crime to use manipulated video in campaign videos. Full stop.
The tech gets better every week, If you don't see how bad this could get, and how much damage it can and will do to the whole world, you're just not thinking about it very clearly.
We're not even a few years away from video fakes so convincing, entire lives will be ruined every day. If you think kids kill themselves over bullying now, just wait until your Tween sees a video of herself all over the state; a video of her having sex with a dog. See my point?
Just try to imagine seeing video or your partner, children, or friends, in a video so credible, you'd have to watch it a dozen times to even see the flaws. And that's if you got more than one look at it. By then, you've long since reacted. It's done.
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