I've never attended GHC even though I've always wanted to because it was so supremely expensive and out of reach for me for all 4 years of college

I know many folks who scrape everything and attend the career fair bc it's the only way they can get facetime w tech companies
If you're a minority in tech like me who's devastated by @GHC #GHC2020 cancelling the career fair, reach out!! I'll be more than happy to offer resume advice and referrals to Cisco where appropriate. đź’«
Update: I'm closing my DM's for now because I've gotten almost 50 (!!) folks waiting for my feedback. If you saw this tweet late, definitely don't despair! I'm trying to come up with a system that'll make this more sustainable for me, so hang tight! Also, thanks for the trust!!
You can follow @meziahruby.
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