1)We are healthcare workers who are outraged over how the COVID 19 pandemic, as well as many other outrages, have been handled by the fascist, genocidal, racist and anti-science Trump/Pence regime.
2)We strongly support the Revolution Tour, which is playing a key role in the urgent fight to mobilize millions into the streets to drive this regime from power...
3)...-as a crucial part and urgent requirement of the overall work of building for Revolution—Nothing Less! They’ve been in the midst of the beautiful rising against police murder. Here’s a video of the Revolution Tour in Portland.
4)On Sunday, Sept. 20th, there was a very successful live stream and we invite you, your family and friends to continue to support the work of the tour. We have donated and we encourage you to donate as well.
6)The Revolution Tour is bringing the deepest understanding to people nationwide of the nightmare that we are in and what the solution is...
7)...The criteria is not whether you support revolution, but whether you see the danger to humanity and see the need to act to stop this threat to humanity.
8)Medical workers have stepped up many times over the past 3 years:
-Demanding PPE, exposing the criminal lack of federal action
9)-Facing down and blocking rabid anti-maskers
-Doctors and others who lay down in the street at an immigrant detention center in San Diego and were arrested after being turned away from giving free flu shots, 2019.
10)-Nurses who put hundreds of medical shoes in front of the White House earlier this year to protest the hundreds of healthcare workers killed unnecessarily by Covid-19.
11)-A Black woman nurse was the whistleblower on the sterilization abuses at the ICE detention centers.
-Science is liberating, let's stand firm!
12)The newest outrage of this fascist regime is that ICE has been carrying out forced sterilizations of immigrants in the detention centers. Forced sterilization is a crime which has always been a part of this country’s history.
13)[This was done to Black women, Latinx, Indigenous women and poor white women in the 20th century]
Hitler learned from the U.S. when in the Nazi death camps women were subjected to forced sterilizations.
14)So, we are challenging people to step up now, and as healthcare workers and support this tour. It is up to us - there will be no magical hero stepping forward to do this going forward. Only the people can put a stop to this regime.
15) Thank you. End of thread
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