June Egbert: Tiger Salamander
Tiger Salamanders are one of the largest salamanders in North America. In their larval stage, they look a lot like axolotls, and live fully in the water. After metamorphosis, they lose their external gills.
Rose Lalonde: Argentine Black and White Tegu
Tegus are incredibly intelligent! They can learn tricks, and recognize human faces. They even have dreams!
Dave Strider: Blue-Tongued Skink
Blueys use their bright blue tongue as a defense mechanism, to scare off predators. They are ground dwelling omnivores that will eat just about anything they can find or catch!
Jade Harley: Water Dragon
Water Dragons are semi aquatic, often hanging out in trees or vegetation near lakes and streams. They are incredible swimmers, and can stay submerged for long periods of time.
Jane Crocker: Harlequin Poison Dart Frog
Scientists have been able to make a painkiller 200 times more potent than morphine from the secretions of dart frogs. However, it is very close to a fatal dose of poison.
Jake English: Spectacled Caiman
Caimans are a small/medium species of crocodilian, ranging from about 3-6 feet. They have a wide range of vocalizations and visual displays that they use to communicate.
Dirk Strider: Jackson's Chameleon
It is a myth that chameleons can blend into any color. Chameleons change color based on mood and temperature. When upset, the Jackson's Cham can turn almost completely black!
Roxy Lalonde: Leopard Gecko
Leopard Geckos store fat reserves in their large tails. If threatened, they can drop their tail and escape, completely re-growing it within only 30 days, faster than any other lizard.
Aradia Megido: Tomato Frog
Tomato frogs bright red coloring is a warning. If something tries to eat them, they can secrete a toxic glue-like substance from their skin that makes the predator's face numb.
Tavros Nitram: Crested Gecko
Cresties are small, arboreal lizards that eat fruit and insects. Their only defense mechanism is to drop their tail, but unlike many other lizards, they cannot grow it back, leaving them with what many pet owners affectionately call frog butt.
Sollux Captor: Mangrove Snake
These venomous snakes are rear fanged, meaning envenomation is unlikely if you are bitten. Even so, their bites have never caused death.
Karkat Vantas: Horned Lizard
Also sometimes called Horny Toads, these desert dwelling lizards can spray blood from their eyes if threatened. They have a range of up to five feet!
Nepeta Leijon: Western Hognose Snake
Hognoses use their upturned nose to burrow. They have a very convincing display in which they roll over on their back and stick their tongue out, pretending to be dead.(it looks really funny)
Kanaya Maryam: Sunbeam Snake
These snakes have a special layer of pigmentation below the surface of each scale that gives them an amazing iridescence.
Terezi Pyrope: Red Eyed Crocodile Skink
These lizards are covered in a variety of small spikes, making them look a lot like tiny dragons!(or scalemates) They are good climbers, but usually reside on the forest floor.
Vriska Serket: Water Monitor
Fierce predators, water monitors eat fish, insects, mammals, reptiles, anything they can catch. They are Highly intelligent and can grow up to 6 feet in length.
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