The people sent a clear message in 2018 when they elected a new Democratic majority to the House–including by flipping historically Republican districts right here in Michigan – to block the GOP’s attempts to strip 20 million Americans of their health care.
Within weeks, the Affordable Care Act could be gone with the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett who openly disapproves of the ACA, in the midst of a global pandemic that has hit the United States harder than any other wealthy nation in the world.
I implore my colleagues in the Senate to follow their own rules from 2016, to focus on the health and well-being of their constituents battling a pandemic, and not to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the highest court in the land.
If in 2016 the next Justice needed to be selected by the president chosen in an election nine months away, clearly in 2020 the next justice should be nominated by the president chosen by the people in an election already under way.
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