Once Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed, I think it's only fair that we never again have to hear that Deborah was only a judge b/c men had failed to provide leadership.
I have many, many thoughts on ACB & almost zero of them have to do w/ electoral politics or securing a conservative court.
What I love about ACB is that she's proof that when women are supported in their holistic callings, they can reach similar levels of social, familial, & vocational influence as men.
ACB is not a super woman doing it all. She is a woman who's been blessed w/ opportunity, supportive community, & freedom to flourish in all the ways she's been gifted.
In God's Providence, she has had access to education, mentorship, & resources to pursue both motherhood & her profession.
Now imagine if this were the standard we held in supporting the women in our churches, families, & communities? What if we believed that they should flourish in both their familial & professional vocations? What if we didn't make it a zero sum game?
ACB is not superhuman. She is not better than the woman in your church or family who is right now struggling to be obedient to multiple callings.
If you celebrate ACB's appointment to SCOTUS, please first go celebrate the vocational appointments of your sister, daughter, or wife.
If you defend ABC's credibility to serve society, go defend the credibility of your sister, daughter, or wife to do the same.
And if believe God has providentially prepared ACB to take a seat on SCOTUS, go find out what seat your sister, daughter, or wife has been called to by that very same God. And support her in it.
Obviously, this thread is directed mainly toward conservatives, but we must all commit to building a society where women don't have to choose btwn building a family & serving the world thru their unique giftedness.
ONE MORE THING: Economics & yes, even race is absolutely part of this conversation b/c when a poor, non-white woman has 7 children, we tend to view it very differently than when a wealthy woman does.
In our society, a woman must justify her right to have children by proving that she can "provide" for them. If she can't, she is disdained & sent to the marketplace to atone for her sins.
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