When you pass on, you’re surprised (and delighted) to find that there was never just one true afterlife, but many. Countless afterlives. Whichever faith you believed in life, you ascend to that afterlife. They all coexist peacefully, and there’s free travel between them.
There’s an endless forest full of small fluffy creatures, sleeping soundly. A mechanized metropolis draped in banners of scarlet hammers. The Christian heaven is full of kind, loving people, and beautiful angels. Souls travel there to meet Jesus frequently.
Mercifully, atheists, who don’t believe in an afterlife, are able to choose their favorite.
But there’s one that’s sealed away from the rest. No one is ever allowed in or out. No one talks about it, and all the souls stay far, far away from it. You visit Lucifer one day, as they’re very knowledgeable, and always eager to share that knowledge, for better or worse.
They tell you it’s the Christian afterlife, and you’re puzzled for a moment. You’ve been to Heaven many times, how could that be? They explain that it’s not REALLY Heaven, not the real Heaven, at any rate. Rather, it’s a twisted, dark place fundamentalists made for themselves.
It’s the place where the Nazis, the racists, the Klan, and Trump supporters went. Imperialists, and capitalists. All the worst people. It used to be a beautiful place, but they destroyed it, and then tried to conquer the other afterlives.
All the gods and goddesses sealed it away for everyone’s protection. Nothing can break the barrier, and nothing will ever get in or out again. No one’s sure what’s left of it. Some say its inhabitants burned it down, and are now trapped in an eternal fire of their own creation.
Burning. Forever.
I hope you enjoyed this thread. Been thinking about this for a while, now.
You can follow @GarlicPaws.
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