I hate how purity culture tends to make women feel bad for having bodies and make men feel like they have a free pass, and expectation, to be pretty terrible to women.
Also screw the idea that caring about clothes or being emotionally sensitive and caring about people or liking art and music more than sports are "feminine traits"
And screw the idea that those "feminine traits" when displayed in a man means you should tease them about being "gay" when none of that has anything to do with someones sexual identity.
Turns out humans are humans who all have different preferences and passions and pushing what you think their gender should mean on them from a young age is a terrible thing to do to someone.
I'm a little passionate about this.
Also the rest of this thread didn't exactly directly relate to the first tweet but they go together in my mind because it's all based on view of gender and me being a guy makes me think a lot about the ways that's used against men but I recognize it's way WAY worse for women.
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