I’m not concerned with Amy Coney Barrett’s religion or size of her family. As an adoptive parent, I’m thrilled to see other adoptive parents.

However, she’s to be a Supreme Court justice. What if Roe is overturned in 5 years and she serves another 20 or 25? 1/3
Where does she stand on digital privacy? Where does she stand on corporate personhood? Where does she stand on civil asset forfeiture? Where does she stand on voter suppression? Where does she stand on Citizens United? Government surveillance? Surveillance Capitalism? 2/3
Racial sentencing disparities? Qualified immunity for police? Violations of the Hatch Act and of the Emoluments Clause? Prosecutorial misconduct? Govt regulation of social media?

When would she recuse herself and why?

Constitutionalists should be seeking many answers. 3/3
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