Message 9/26/2020: On my way to the ocean I tuned into the energy of the angels. I was immediately shown the beautiful golden white blazing light of the sun. The angels told me there are new frequencies entering the planet that would continue to decalcify our pineal glands.
2. When our pineal glands have been cleansed as a result of these frequencies, then yet higher frequencies will be sent to further cleanse and purify this gland essential to our spiritual sight. Next I heard the word red and saw the color red as well. I asked for clarity and
3. heard the words Red Cross. The angels explained to me that the organizations which promoted themselves as providing relief to humanity but had another agenda are being replaced with people who will truly help those who need assistance in many ways; food, housing, medicine,...
4. and solve these problems from becoming a crisis again. It feels like these will be largely run by the military, who once they complete their mission to take down the darkness, will be deployed to assist in the rebuilding of communities throughout the world in a way that
5. benefits the masses.The angels are assisting in the success of this new endeavor. Finally I heard the words ‘melting of the ice.’ The meaning I derived from this was in areas of the earth covered by ice, particularly the poles there is a vast amount of information buried
6. beneath the ice. Much of this information will soon be made known to the public. Sitting by the ocean I hear the gentle crash of the waves on the shore and see the water is smooth like glass in certain areas. I feel our galactic family is sending energies much like the smooth
7. surface so that we can reflect inward and realize who we truly are. Tuning into the energy I hear, “For so long humanity has been held in the claws of a group of individuals whose sole purpose was to dominate the sphere known as earth. The ultimate conquest of this group
8. was to not only control the earth but to have dominion over the souls of humanity. What a foolish idea! How could anyone take away the essence of who you are? How dare they try! We watched them from the skies over the millennia inching their way closer to the attempt to
9. own your essence. However, as they inched ever so close to where they wanted to trap your soul we saw a glimmer of light growing within many humans. At the subconscious level you knew about this attempt by those of the dark to claim ownership over your essence.
10. This was never to happen as the soul has a lock much like an encryption code on a computer that can only be accessed by your will. The collective will of humanity said no to this attempted invasion of their essence and called for assistance to release them from the
11. grips of the dark forces. That is why we are here. The Pleiadians, the Arcturians and many others were called to help you remember the gift of the power the Creator gave you so that you could liberate yourself from the many constrictions of the darkness in order to liberate
12. the planet. This is why we send you coded frequencies. Some of you can see or feel the frequencies or hear the high pitched vibrations ringing in your ears or sonic booms in the atmosphere. If you can not perceive these do not stress or worry as you are still receiving the
13. benefit. We have spoken to many of you in your dreams to tell you the story of the work we are doing and of the many blessings in store for humanity in the coming years. These blessings have already begun, most behind the scenes and will be unveiled once the drama
14. of the darkness begins to recede. Please be assured there is so much good in store for you. The events in the outer world are showing many who are not yet awakened the truth in order for them to awaken. This must play out. Notice however, that many are becoming weary of
15. the shenanigans of the darkness. Some may see this weariness as a reason for despair. We do not see this as a bad thing we see this as good as this weariness will trigger a desire for a better way. This will open the gate of awakening for so many. As more awaken, their
16. frequency increases allowing better receptivity for our frequencies and increasing the frequency of the collective, you see? There is so much good in store for you. You are NEVER alone. So many of you feel dejected or confused or do not perceive a way out of the chaos.
17. Know there is a simple scientific law of nature. Behind the chaos is order. There is a plan unfolding in which great goodness and holiness will emerge out of the chaos. It is like the analogy so many of you use, a Phoenix rising from the ashes. We would like to say it is
18. similar to roses blooming in the desert. Great beauty can arise out of a desolate land. We are assuring you that great beauty will arise once the light illuminates the deeds of the darkness. There is a good way to shift your perception about all that is occurring in the
19. world. Look at it this way. The acts of the darkness are being shown, the truth is being revealed. This revelation of truth is a catalyst for many to awaken to the beauty of their heart centers allowing countless roses to bloom in the desert. Soon this desert will be
20. transformed into a lush paradise from the collective blooming of the hearts of humanity. This could not occur unless so many were shown the darkness to catalyze their spiritual awakening. We suggest instead of focusing on all the chaos, we ask you to simply shift your
21. perception to the field of blooming roses in a land that was once a desert and is now a paradise. See the beauty of the brightly colored petals. Smell the fragrant perfume. See the light energy radiating into the sky and bringing the energy of heaven to earth. We want you
22. to realize that the world is the sum total of the collective emotions, thoughts & actions of all of humanity. When you are aware of this we would like you to contemplate, what would you like your contribution to be to the collective? Would you like to uplift the collective
23. so that the beautiful new world of peace and love emerges or would you like to contribute to the chaos you see around you? The choice is yours. We do not judge on choices, we simply want to present the impact of your choices and hope that you choose well for you and
24. the planet. We are sending you so much love from the sky above you. We are blessing you and your families by sending high frequency pulses of love, love and more love. We love you all very much! We bid you well on this day. The Pleiadans and the Arcturians.”
I apologize for all of the separate tweets. For some reason I was unable to post as 1 tweet. ❤️✨😇
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